Penn Center Celebrates Black History Month with Local African American Art Group
Penn Center celebrates Black History Month with the opening of “Been Here Before”, a compilation of artistic works and historical representations by twelve accomplished Gullah African Diaspora Artist (GADA). The York W. Bailey Museum will open this exhibition with a reception, Friday, February 10th at 6pm. “Been Here Before” will be on exhibit through May 30, 2017. GADA, formerly Omo Isonas, celebrates the groups’ twentieth anniversary with various artistic adaptations in “Been Here Before,” such as lectures, panel discussions, and spoken word activities that will explore the history, politics and impact of GADA’s contributions to the art world, the group’s journey and the individual artistic voyage of the artists. Featured artists includes globally acclaimed award winning artists including- Arianne King Comer, Al Davis, Mary Dawson, James Denmark, Diane Britton Dunham, Hank Herring, Kenneth Hodges, Susan Madison, Brenda Singleton, James “Saint” St. Clair, Jery B. Taylor, and Richard White. For further information please email: Diane Britton Dunham at call Penn Center 843.838.2474 or